Build, manage, and scale Wasm apps
across any cloud, K8s, or edgeeven your own!
Idle Infrastructure?
Does scalability preparedness, unpredictable workloads and long cold starts leave you with inefficient infrastructure and ever-growing cloud costs?
Maintaining Apps?
Are developers patching the same vulnerabilities and managing updates and dependencies across 100's or 1,000's of apps? Do you have apps that fall behind your golden template?
Distributed Deployments?
Do you need to run your apps across cloud vendors? Close to your users? Multi-Region? On the Edge? On Prem? Disrupted, disconnected, intermittent or limited connectivity?
What is wasmCloud?
Fast-track the development, deployment, and orchestration of WebAssembly components
wasmCloud is an open source project from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that enables teams to build polyglot applications composed of reusable Wasm components and run them—resiliently and efficiently—across any cloud, Kubernetes, datacenter, or edge.
Faster Development Cycles
Leverage reusable, polyglot, Wasm components on a reliable, distributed platform.
Centrally Maintainable Apps
Reusable, version-controlled components empower platform teams to maintain thousands of diverse apps centrally.
Integrate with Existing Stacks
wasmCloud has first-tier support for Kubernetes, AWS, Azure, GCP, Jenkins, Github Actions, ArgoCD, Backstage, Chainguard, Databases, Messaging, and more.
Development Without Lock-In
Define application dependencies at runtime via contract driven interfaces leveraging different vendors across deployments, dev, QA, or prod.
Truly Portable Apps
Run the same Wasm application across operating systems and architectures—no new builds required. Linux, MacOS X, Windows, ARM, x86, and more.
Custom Capabilities
Easily extend the secure wasmCloud host at runtime to support custom dependencies, hardware, or business contracts.
Scale-to-Zero with Zero Cold Starts
Sub-millisecond start times and vertical autoscaling means workloads scale to the demand.
Reliable, Fault-Tolerant Apps
Horizontal scaling with automated fail-over gives apps capability-level resiliency, reliability, and scalability.
Deploy Across Clouds
Close to your users, with local-first routing and at-most-once delivery, wasmCloud delivers cross-region, cross-cloud, and cross-edge capability-level resiliency to every deployment
Why use wasmCloud?
Productivity. Maintainability. Portability. Reusability. Availability. Security.
WebAssembly components are a finer-grained abstraction for application composition and a Wasm-specific orchestrator maximizes their full potential.
wasmCloud as a Platform
The Platform for Platform-Engineering
Distributed Capabilities
Jochen Rau and Tyler Schoppe demonstrate how Machine Metrics is utilizing Wasm components to move platform capabilities across edges and clouds with redundancy and dynamic fault-tolerance using CNCF wasmCloud.

Wasm across Any Cloud, K8s, or Edge
Colin Murphy from Adobe and Douglas Rodrigues from Akamai discuss how they use CNCF wasmCloud to run WebAssembly across cloud services, Kubernetes clusters, and edges.

WebAssembly Components
New to Components?
Leverage WebAssembly components' polyglot programming, security features, and modularity to build secure, maintainable applications.
Get Involved
Join the community
Stop in to a wasmCloud Wednesday meeting, host a WebAssembly meetup, drop in on our Slack channel. There are plenty of ways to get connected with the wider community for support, insight, use-cases and expertise.
wasmCloud WednesdayJoin us!
Extend Kubernetes with wasmCloud
Run wasmCloud standalone or on Kubernetes. Leverage WebAssembly components to extend Kubernetes and distribute applications across clouds, regions, clusters, and edges.
WasmCloud Ecosystem
Wasm-native works with cloud-native
wasmCloud works with the tools you know and love today.
Get Started
Your Universal Golden Path starts here
Download the wasmCloud CLI
Get all the dev tooling you need by installing the wasmCloud "wash" CLI
Download washBuild your first component
Start building with standard interfaces using one of our examples
See Examples